Supporting Families through Still Birth & Child Loss

Loving you through it all.


Our Mission

The Noah Alexander Foundations Mission is to raise awareness and support with stillbirth. Our primary focus is the families affected by stillbirth and early child loss (neonatal death). The foundation focuses on creating a softer transition into life after the death of their baby (still birth and neonatal deaths) particularly the first 40 days. Bereavement support, packages, assistance is provided to help the families slowly transition. After Noah’s death, his parents realised the lack of support and services that were available and wanted to make sure every family is provided with next-level community and love.

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Noah’s Story

On May 18, 2021, Malaine (Noah’s mother) was in a routine check-up at the midwife’s office planning the birth for Noah. She was a little shy of 37 weeks pregnant with Noah. Everything was straightforward, seamless, healthy, and completely normal with the pregnancy. On that day Noah’s heart had stopped beating. When the midwife went to check for the heartbeat it was nowhere to be found. They proceeded to do a scan which only confirmed that Noah had passed away. Devastated and in shock Noah’s parents (Malaine and Ryan) begun to prepare for the unimaginable. Malaine was induced two days later at the hospital and gave birth to Noah Alexander Butler at 10:53 pm on May 20, 2021. It was a day filled with unconditional love, surrounded by so much support, & delivered in a very special sacred way.

Upon arrival earthside it was clear to all the midwives how he died. The umbilical cord was wrapped tightly on his neck several times which caused his little body to slowly be deprived of life. Noah had time with his parents, was blessed by the priest on staff in the hospital, was loved every single minute of his short but powerful life. His candle vigil was held in the park near his parents’ home in his memory and honor on June 20, 2021.

Noah is survived by his parents Malaine and Ryan and brothers Cameron, Jack, and Liam. Noah was cremated and resides at home with his family.



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